A lot of work goes into creating a theatre performance. It takes the work of many different specialised teams to complete all of the tasks required before the actors can even step foot on stage.
Everybody can get involved in the production of our stage shows in their own unique way! Different roles require different levels of skill, hours commitment and expectations. Talk to our committee about which role is the best fit for you.
Volunteer role descriptions
Volunteer role descriptions (PDF, 1MB)
Our committee essentially fulfills the management and operational functions of the group.
Executive committee: President - Vice-President - Treasurer - Secretary
Committee members: Health and Safety Officer , Marketing Manager, Fundraising Officer, Production Manager, House Manager+.
Production teams
Production Team
Roles: Production Manager, Directors, Choreographer, Stage Manager, Musical Director, Technical Manager, Band representative, Wardrobe.
Front of House Team
Roles: House Manager+ Bar manager and staff, hosts/ushers, house-keeping
Back stage Team
Roles: Stage Manager, Tech Manager, stage hands, lighting, sound, follow-spot, props, set design, makeup and hair, costume support, dressers.
Dancers, actors, singers, special talents.
Auditions are held once a year in Autumn. Our show season runs over winter for four weeks.
The President will be expected to:
• Manage the strategic direction of the theatre company.
• Take responsibility for ensuring the overall health of the group and its members.
• Delegate tasks and responsibilities for the effective running of the group.
• Monitor that activities and deadlines are achieved.
• Take a producer role over each production.
• Arbitrator of last resort.
The Treasurer is a key role for our community theatre company and they will be expected to:
• Maintains club budget and finances.
• Collects membership subscriptions.
• Pay costs incurred by members.
• Keeps the President and Committee informed of the group’s financial health.
• Prepares the books and other financial documents for the auditor.
• Prepares Treasurers report for AGM
The Secretary will be expected to:
• Takes minutes at group, committee and production meetings.
• Note and follow up actions.
• Distributes minutes of meetings to the appropriate persons.
• Keeps good records of decisions and files.
• Maintain the collective file history of the group.
• Works with marketing manager and President to manage website, Facebook and general communication needs.
In joining the cast you are committing to attend rehearsals two nights a week (Sunday/Monday) for 10 weeks and performing in all of eight shows which run every Friday and Saturday night for four weeks (August). There are no under-studies - the show must go on.
Email: stgsumnernz@gmail.com to express your interest in any of the above roles, or go to our contacts page to find out more.